Women to the World Burkina Faso

December 1, 2009: WTW Team Reports Strong Progress

(Team Members: Gip Marchette, Stan Aldrich, Felicia Smith, Doris Aldrich, Godefred Wononuah, and Savadago Sidi)

Our President, Doris Aldrich, returned to Burkina Faso, West Africa during the Thanksgiving Holiday, traveling with a team of volunteer specialists providing training, equipment and supplies for agricultural project team leaders that include greenhouse growing and water conservation techniques. Training also included water purification procedures for drinking and the use of portable well drilling equipment. Micro-business leadership training and basic accounting principals were taught. Seed and agricultural supplies were provided to the poorest villages.

Starvation remains the biggest threat in Burkina Faso. Thanks to the generousity of our donors, cows (Heifers and Bulls) have been purchased for the villages where Women to the World has been sucessful in starting agriculteral projects and farming cooperatives among the women, along with the greenhouses so desperatly needed now at the end of the rainy season. These cooperatives (recently formed by Women to the World) are capable of generating sustainable income for the village families, where there has been no prior help.

Through donations of computers and networking equipment, our team of experts began the installation process of a computer lab in the Women to the World Lycee Academy, where training in office related applications is essential for our young students to secure jobs in the cities. A special need exists to replace the electrical service box coming into the school building with better step-down transformers and power cables.

Our special thanks is extended to our partner, Hydromissions, for their practical help with water purification supplies and well boring equipment.

Throughout Africa, Women to the World's goal is helping struggling women and their families overcome the devastating effects and emotional bondage of societal neglect, abuse and oppression by providing the education that leads to dignified and sustainable employment and self-sufficiency.

Focusing on these objectives, our excellent staff of volunteer specialists in Ouagadougou developed curricula offering language development, business economics, and training in basic hygiene, health care, and emergency first aid. Our business economics programs includes micro-business management and leadership training.

We have recently developed customized computer training courses that focus on helping girls and women compete favorably in today's high tech job market. This is the cornerstone of our employment services program.  Obtaining real and measurable improvements in the lives of the women we serve, as they begin to realize their full potential and appropriate stature in society, is the central mission of Women to the World.

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